My Creation

I like painting and drawing and I´m an art & culture addict. I could stay hours in museums! It´s so inspiring! Here are some of my own creations: 

Hidden butterflies
(Flight from Sydney to Perth)

It´s in your eyes
(Flight from Sydney to Perth)

Let´s dance
(Train from Perth to Bunbury)

(Train from Perth to Bunbury)

imaginary grotto 
(Waitomo Glowworm Cave Experience, 19.02.2012)

dragon in my head(19.02.2012)

From chaos to order

Modern Palm Tree 
(Flight from Honolulu to Auckland, 1702.2012)

Scorpio (unfinished)
(Flight from SF to Honolulu)

10 days bus travel:

Grand Canyon Experience:

Cows & Cactus
(27th january: Greyhoundbus from SF to L.A.)

Turbulences in the sky 
(22nd january: Flight from NY to SFO)

cubistic skyline

Growing flowers

9th january: Title: Waiting for my flight
with Adele (music: Album 21, Adele)