Friday, November 25, 2011

Berlin: City of art

The last week I was in Berlin (17.-24. of November). 

It wasn´t my first visit in this incredible city, but the most intensive.

In the end, I had a small overdose of art & culture:
Deutsche Guggenheim (Exposition: Almech) (free on monday!)
Dali - Die Ausstellung am Potsdamer Platz, 
Ai Wei Wei in New York - Martin Gropius Bau
Altes Museum (ancient greek and roman collections)
Neues Museum (egyptian collection with the famous Nofretete)

Deutsches Theater Berlin: "Fahr zur Hölle Ingo Sachs". Funny action musical with Studio Braun (Rocko Schamoni, Heinz Strunk, Jacques Palminger)

If you have the occasion to visit Berlin till january, you absolutely need to go there:
Tomás Saraceno: Cloud Cities at Hamburger Bahnhof

Don´t miss this incredible experience to hang out in cloud cities!

Café Barcomis

Very authentic french cuisne Chez Michel
Asian food: Monsieur Vuong
Una pizza molto grande! Restaurant Casolare 

Apero-time: Ankerklause , Keyser Soze , Mini-Bar , Bar in der Mariannenstrasse
Bar & Club: Süss war gestern


Friday, November 11, 2011

Munich my hometown

I ♥ Munich

My favorite food is: Schnitzel mit Kartoffelsalat and to drink Spezi of course :-)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Paris 2002 - 2011

I can´t believe that I lived the last nine years in Paris, the most romantic city in the world (But only if you are in holidays and not working there!)!
There are so many fantastic places to visit and things
 to do...

Some of my favorite places are:
Montmartre with its wonderful view and atmosphere, nice restaurants, bars and tiny streets.
If you like big salads, check this out: Le Relais Gascon

Bastille: large choice of bars, restaurants, clubs, etc.
Excellent tajine: Au p´tit Cahoua

French bistrot atmosphere and good food: Chez Prosper and Chez Lili et Marcel  mmmhhmmm! Trop bon!